Sunday Morning Service – 9:30am / Bible Class – 10:45am
Communion – 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays each month
Gospel Service – 2nd Sunday / Praise Service – 4th Sunday
New To ELC
You're Always Welcome
You will find there are no perfect people here.
We are a people of faith who believe that God is a God of grace who welcomes all, and in that grace offers reconciliation to God and to one another.
If this sounds like the kind of community for which you have been longing, we invite you to come and check us out!
What To Expect
Our Sunday mornings are designed to worship the Lord. During our services we will sing, read the Bible, and take time to talk with God. We do not think of ourselves as having a style of worship, but we hope each week our services present the Gospel in the most creative, relevant, and helpful manner possible.
Children Options
Bible Study for children is held in the Fellowship Hall at 10:45am. Parents can attend with children or attend the Adult Bible Study in the annex.
What To Wear
The dress code at church runs the gamut of styles. We do not see many suits and ties, as most people opt for business casual dress, or jeans with a casual shirt. Our ladies also vary in their dress. Dresses, pantsuits, or jeans are all common.
The Lords Supper/ Communion - Baptized believers are welcome to commune. Communicants will go forward to receive communion when ushers indicate it is their turn. Children who have not received instruction are asked to cross their arms to receive a blessing. White grape juice is available on the communion tray. Communicants will return to their seats after the pastor has said the blessing.
Sunday Morning Service – 9:30am
Bible Class – 10:45am
Communion – 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays each month
Gospel Service – 2nd Sunday
Praise Service – 4th Sunday