Sunday Morning Service – 9:30am / Bible Class – 10:45am
Communion – 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays each month
Gospel Service – 2nd Sunday / Praise Service – 4th Sunday

About Us
Our Organization
What organization we belong to - We are a Lutheran congregation belonging to a group called Lutheran Congregations in Mission For Christ (LCMC). Jesus Christ and his Good News is the center of who we are. Mission, both locally and around the world is our joyful purpose. The Bible is our authority for faith and life. It is our intent to welcome people into God's generous, transforming love; provide tools and experiences for people to grow into who God designed them to be; and develop a depth of faith to go into their world to make a difference in people's lives.
1904: Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Knippa was organized July 10
1905: First confirmation, Oscar Kessler, Ella Kessler, and Albert Kessler
1910: Small white frame church with bell tower dedicated as a house of God (thru 1954)
1912: Rev. Gottlieb Langner began full time pastor
1913: Ladies Aid Society developed (now Women of Emmanuel Lutheran)
1927: Kerosene lamps were replaced with electric lights
1929: Membership 49 voting members (mostly men listed)
1944: First parsonage was built
1946: Rev. Eugene Meier accepted call as pastor (thru 1950)
1950: Rev. M. C. Hoermann served at pastor (until 1956)
1954: New brick Church with balcony and annex dedicated
1957: Rev. Raymond Wolf accepted call as pastor (until 1967)
1966: New parsonage dedicated
1967: Rev, Walter Hildebrandt accepted call as pastor (until 1980)
1974: Central air and heating was installed
1981: Rev. Steven King served as pastor (until 1985)
1982: Fellowship building was dedicated
1985: Rev. Gary O. Bruns accepted call as pastor (until 1992)
1993: Rev. Daryl Knox served as pastor (until 2002)
1996: Historical Marker dedicated in memory of Jeanette Langner
2004: Centennial celebration July 11, 2004
2004: 150 members
2007: Rev. Daryl Knox returned as pastor (until 2012
2012: Rev. Nathan Lafrenz accepted call as pastor
What We Believe
What we believe - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16-17 )
God created and desires a relationship with all people. The basis of that relationship is God's love in Jesus Christ. God took responsibility for our sin through Jesus when Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself on the cross. Salvation is an offer that comes as a gift. It cannot be earned.
We can only receive it with empty hands, with a trusting heart. Grace means gift. It is intended for sinners (everyone) to free them from sin's curse and power. In Jesus we are made into a new creation. When we receive this new life, God lifts all condemnation and judgment that we once deserved.